Consular Assistance
The Embassy is open 08:00am-4:00pm, Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays). We are operating by appointment only, unless it is an emergency.
For consular assistance only, please call or email us to book an appointment. The Embassy’s reception email is . The Embassy’s switchboard number is +95 1 2307410.
If you need to contact us urgently, please phone the Consular Emergency Centre on +61 (2) 6261 3305. This number operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. International calling rates may apply. Check with your phone carrier for international voice call charges before making international calls.
If you are seeking passport or notarial services, you can make a booking by following the link below to book an appointment:
Booking policy
- Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time for security screening.
- You may be asked to reschedule your appointment if you do not attend on time.
- Bookings can be made up to four weeks in advance.
- Please Provide full name/s of the attendee/s to have access to the building.
- You can amend, reschedule, or cancel your appointment via the link in your notification email.
- Please ensure you select the correct type and number of services you require when you make the appointment. If you select the wrong service, we may not be able to assist you at your appointment time and you may need to reschedule. You must have an appointment to visit our offices.
- Please do not bring friends or family members to your appointment unless they are required to sign relevant documents.
- If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your appointment.
Assisting Australians overseas
The Consular Services Charter - What help we may be able to provide and what we cannot do
This charter outlines the consular services and assistance provided by the Australian Government. In some circumstances, our assistance may be limited.
We strive to
- Empower Australians to help themselves overseas.
- Effectively prepare for and manage overseas crises.
- Deliver a consular service focused on Australians most in need.
Who we can assist
- Australian citizens.
- Canadian citizens in locations listed in the Canada-Australia Consular Services Sharing Arrangement Schedule.
We only provide consular services to Australian permanent residents in the event of a crisis overseas. This may include government-assisted evacuations when provided to Australian citizens.
If you’re a dual national, we will only be able to assist you in your country of other nationality in exceptional circumstances.
We aim to
- Deal with your enquiry courteously, promptly and efficiently.
- Explain clearly how we can help and when you should approach others for advice and help.
- Recognise the cultural and religious diversity of Australia, including the traditions of First Nations Australians.
- Tell you if there is a charge for a service we provide.
- Protect any personal information you give us in accordance with Australia’s privacy laws.
- Take feedback on our performance seriously.
We ask that you
- Take personal responsibility for your travel choices, your safety, finances and behaviour overseas, including obeying the laws of the country you’re visiting.
- Tell us if there are any cultural or religious considerations, we need to be aware of.
- Take out appropriate travel and medical insurance and understand what is and isn't covered by the insurance you purchase.
- Follow our travel advice at and the advice of local authorities.
- Protect your passport and report promptly if it is lost or stolen.
- Treat consular staff with respect and be honest in providing us with all relevant information when seeking our assistance.
- Give us feedback to help us to improve our services.
Our assistance may be limited in some circumstances
You don’t have a legal right to consular assistance and you shouldn’t assume assistance will be provided. For example, we may limit assistance where:
- your actions were illegal
- you’ve deliberately or repeatedly acted recklessly or negligently
- you put yourself or others at risk
- you’ve demonstrated a repeated pattern of behaviour requiring multiple instances of consular assistance previously
What help we may provide
Each case is unique and our assistance will depend on the circumstances and availability of consular resources. We may be able to:
- issue replacement passports and travel documents for a fee
- provide details of local doctors and hospitals, including mental health support if available in your location
- provide advice and support if you’re the victim of a serious assault, or other crime, or you’re arrested, including details of local lawyers and interpreters
- visit or contact you to check on your welfare if you’re arrested or detained, and do what we can to ensure you’re treated the same as others detained under the laws of the country in which you’re arrested
- provide advice and support in a range of other cases including the death of relatives overseas, missing persons and kidnappings
- if you agree, contact friends or family on your behalf. In some circumstances we may need to contact your friends or family where we’ve been unable to get your consent
- make special arrangements in cases of international terrorism, civil disturbances and natural disasters (fees may apply)
- provide some notarial services, including witnessing and authenticating documents and administering oaths and affirmations (fees apply)
- in some locations, provide voting services for Australian federal and some state elections
What we can’t do
Some tasks are outside the consular role. For example, we can’t:
- guarantee your safety and security in another country or make your travel arrangements.
- give you legal advice, interpret or translate documents.
- intervene in another country’s court proceedings or legal matters including employment disputes, commercial disputes, criminal cases, and family law matters or child custody disputes.
- investigate crimes or deaths overseas, or carry out searches for missing people, which are the responsibility of local authorities.
- get you out of prison or prevent you from being deported.
- get you better treatment in prison than local prisoners.
- post bail or pay your fines or legal expenses.
- enforce an Australian or any other custody agreement overseas or compel a country to decide a custody case.
- pay for medical or psychiatric services or medications.
- pay your pension or social security benefits.
- arrange visas, licences, work or residency permits for other countries.
- intervene in immigration, customs or quarantine matters in other countries.
- store luggage or other personal items.
- receive or send postal items on your behalf.
Collecting mail from the Embassy
The Embassy is unable to provide postal services, and any unsolicited mail received will be returned to sender or destroyed. You may wish to consider using the services of a courier company and arranging to deliver to your address or collect your items from their office in Myanmar.